We use CircleCI for continuous integration, which means that it will test the new code you write, and check that it's up to the standards. When you think that the :master
branch is ready for production head to next section.
Ready to put your new in production?
When you are ready to put your :master
branch into production you need to push to prod
# Go to the repo you want to push to production
$ cd /itdagene or cd /itdagene-webapp
# Get new changes
$ git pull
# Push master branch to production branch
$ git push origin master:prod
If you check CI, this will start a whole new check. At the end of the integration (if all checks passed), it will build the docker image. This docker image will be pushed to dockerhub.
Dockerhub has new images and you need set them into production!
CI has completed building the image, and it's ready for use.
# Go to the server
$ ssh itdagene
# Change directory
$ cd infra
# Pull the new backend image
$ docker pull itdagene/itdagene:prod
# or pull the new frontend image
$ docker pull itdagene/webapp:prod
# Then you need to restart the container running this image
$ docker-compose up -d --force-recreate itdagene
$ docker-compose up -d --force-recreate webapp
If you have updated any models in the backend you will need to migrate the database or if permissions is not updated you can manually update them.
Run the following commands on the server when the new image is running
# List all containers
# Then copy id of container "itdagene"
# Enter shell in the container
docker exec -it <container_id> sh
# Migrate the database
python migrate
# or update permissions
python update_permissions